Venue: Nur-Sultan (online)
Date: July, 2021 (TO BE CONFIRMED)
Organiser: "AIFC Green Finance Centre" Ltd.
- Accepting applications for GFA 2021

In 2018, AIFC created the first interactive platform in Central Asia for experts in the field of green finance from around the world to exchange experience and best practices, discuss development options, overcome of barriers in the form of the annual international Green Growth Forum (GGF).
Following the results of the Green Growth Forum, GGF in 2018, the AIFC initiated the establishment of the GREEN FINANCE AWARDS international award for contribution to the development of green finance and to support the AIFC image as a hub of green finance at the regional and global levels.
The official presentation of the international GREEN FINANCE AWARDS is planned for the first time as part of the GGF’2019.
Prizes in the areas of sustainable development, climate change, environmental preservation and the transition to a green economy are emerging around the world. The ideas of creating awards are aimed at attracting attention and popularising the idea of a transition to a green economy and respect for natural resources among the general public. GREEN FINANCE AWARDS is designed to inspire and encourage participants in the green finance market to continue working in the field, and to strengthen the ideology of green finance development in the world.
Annual stimulation, encouragement and coverage of the merits of specialists in the field of green finance for the achievements and promotion of green finance in the world.
Nomination categories
In 2021, the following nominations were determined for the contribution to the development of green finance:
- Best Green Investment Bank/Securities House
- First Green Bond/Green Sukuk in Emerging Markets
- Best Exchange Platform for Green Finance Instruments
- Outstanding contribution to the development of Green Finance
- Best Green Finance Consultancy
Categories of nominees
AIFC GFA’2021 nominees will be presented in three categories:
- Legal entities that have contributed to the development of green finance and green bond markets and provided positive examples of climate change resilience and low-carbon investment.
- Individuals who contribute to the development of responsible finance through analytical research, publications, as well as personal participation in large-scale projects for the development of green finance in the world and active promotion of initiatives for the introduction and development of green finance in certain regions of the world.
- Associations, partnerships, projects or teams that make a significant contribution to the development of the green finance market, mobilize resources to increase the volume of green finance and assist in the development and dissemination of standards for responsible finance worldwide.
AIFC Green Finance Centre is calling for entries in its annual Green Finance Awards!
GREEN FINANCE AWARDS ceremony is aimed at attracting attention and popularising among the general public the idea of transition to a green economy and respect for natural resources around the world.
GREEN FINANCE AWARDS is a part of the Green Growth Forum which is becoming the main meeting point in Central Asia for green finance specialists from around the world to exchange experiences and best practices, discuss development options, and ways to overcome the barriers.
Looking at the relevant information on the www.ggf.kz website please nominate individual, company or service provider in the most relevant category, by completing an APPLICATION FORM. Each submission must be supported with documental prove as well as strong grounding on why the nominee should win and how they have demonstrated excellence in a particular category, illustrated with case studies or deal highlights from the relevant period.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Entry Opens: Мay 5th 2021 Entry closes: June 4th 2021The first nominations in 2019 were aimed to acknowledge the contribution of companies and experts to the development of the sphere of green finance:
– The Climate Bond Initiative, represented by Dr. Sean Kidney was awarded for opening new green finance markets
In current conditions, much attention is paid to the development of the green finance market all over the world. The opening of green financing opportunities contributes to the achievement of the common sustainable development goals through public-private partnerships. There is a need to reorient financial flows towards green investments.
Enormous efforts must be made to mobilise the bond market to address climate change and move towards sustainable development. An integrated approach is needed to develop incentives and promote the idea of green finance, develop common standards and certify climate bonds, inform the public and develop models and recommendations for the state.
– Dr. Ma Jun (Director of the Center for Finance and Development at Tsinghua University) received the award for «greening» Belt and Road Initiative
The One Belt and One Road Initiative is the most significant initiative to promote economic development and establish interregional ties. This initiative is the largest investment in building infrastructure for many years to come. The initiative involves organizations, funds and programmes to evaluate and develop recommendations for making informed decisions in order to reduce environmental risks and ensure environmentally sustainable investments.
Work in this direction requires a careful and comprehensive approach to establish cooperation and reach agreement within such a large-scale project.
– European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) received the award for their contribution to the development of the Green Finance System in Kazakhstan
The green finance system is a relatively new phenomenon in Central Asia. In order to achieve integral development in this area, it is necessary to make efforts to build a green finance system as one of the components of the capital market. This work includes steps from developing a concept and presenting a wide range of green instruments to implementing everything that was intended into life.